1. MOU with KAD Dental Clinic @Ta Kmal
On the 6/7/2010 One-2-One CAMBODIA signed a MOU with KAD detailing the terms of cooperation in managing the KAD dental clinic in Ta kmal for the treatment of the orphans.

In the photo from L to R
First row (Sitting)
Dr Callum Durward, Mr Chandeth
second row (Standing)
May Hua and Sey Ha - Dental Assistants
Srun ( One-2-One) and KAD administrator

It is very exciting to interview dentists, set up protocols and policies... sorting through equipment lists as well as consumables ...activity sheets and of course making sure this is a child friendly clinic ... it has been a great hive of activities ..you will read all about it in the next news letter.
2. MOU with Global Child Dental Fund

One-2-One CAMBODIA signed a MOU with Global Child Dental Fund and also Dentaid on the 15th July 2010.